Because liability is an obligation

Whoever acts is liable for his actions. The principle is quite simple. No matter what you do, where or how you do it, liability is always a factor. Our longstanding liability experts can develop individual, customised concepts just for you.
Do not allow liability to stand in your way.

We protect you from cases of liability

Whether you are a private person or a professional, whether you work in transport operations or sports, consulting or in an honorary position: any action in our complex, hi-tech world can have far-reaching and costly consequences. For example, a small error in stock exchange trading in 2010 apparently caused massive price fluctuations and led to enormous losses. It is not only stock market dealers who can unintentionally cause great damage but everyone constantly runs the risk of producing accidental damages. For this reason, liability coverage is the most important coverage for anyone. Many states are therefore requiring individual liability coverage by law such as in Germany, for vehicles, for hunters and since 2010, for dog owners as well. In many cases liability coverage is not an obligation but virtually a must, and not only in countries where extremely high damages are claimed.

Expertise is the best protection

Differentiation has to be made in liability claims between standard coverage for general risks such as traffic, professional, household or animal, and special risks for specific events or activities. Anyone who transports hazardous materials, organises concerts or sports meetings, operates a solar energy plant or safari park, advises clients on financial or insurance issues or is responsible for large sums on the stock exchange has to consider risks that cannot be covered by "ready-made" insurance solutions.

We at Insurance 1 have dedicated ourselves to liability business for over 10 years. Initially providing special concepts for our private clients and then, as we evolved with them, for their professional and commercial risks. We are today, as proven liability specialists, contact partner for anyone seeking watertight solutions for exceptional risks at national and international level.

We are specialists specifically for the following risks:

Iinfideltities Financial losses Product liability D & O
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